Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cloffee Caper

One of the new nano missions is called Cloffee Caper. (no I did not spell coffee wrong I am talking about cloffee.)   Chowder wants to make Mung daal  a perfect snack so he sends you to a store called Cuppa Joe's in Pokey Oaks North to get cloffee beans, but there's a door note that says the ball pean meanies took the beans so you find them defeat them until you kill the one with the cloffee beans. Then you have to go to another store called Mushooks to get mush puppies, but there's another door note that says pesky pony's took the mush puppies so you find and kill the with them. Then you go get smarshmallows  from Malph's, but there's another door note that says Fusion Chowder  took them so you find his lair on top of Malph's. You enter the fusion portal and you must beat ball pean meanies and pesky ponies in his lair then you have to kill Fusion Chowder and you get nano Chowder.

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