Sunday, August 21, 2011

nano types

There are 3 nano types a, b, and c. When fighting a monster they can drain certain nanos of there powers.
these are type c.

these 16 nanos are type b.

a beats b, b beats c, and c beats a. The list below tell you which  nano is which type. The first 17 are type a


for some reason this is my favorite nano mission

This nano mission is called Go, Demongo, go. Ye start the mission by talking to ye Scotsman  in townsville park. Then ye go to Leaky lake to kill nine wild cogfish, then ye talk  to  Numbah 4 in Mount   Blackhead; he says that a crazed fusion in a kilt be in the Loch Mess (that be the leaky lake infected zone.).

 That be fusion Scotsman who be in there. After ye kill him ye get nano Demongo.